How Do I Archive/Unarchive Timecards?

Archiving/Unarchiving a single timecard

Option 1:
  1. Navigate to Timecards
  2. 1.1 Click settings on the upper right hand of the screen

    1.2 Select toggle_on show archived

  3. Select the timecard
  4. Click on the archive archive or unarchive unarchive icon on the top of the screen
Option 2:
  1. Navigate to Timecards
  2. 1.1 Click settings on the upper right hand of the screen

    1.2 Select toggle_on show archived

  3. Select an employee's timecard
  4. Right-click on it
  5. Click archive archive timecard or unarchive unarchive timecard

Archiving/Unarchiving multiple timecards

  1. Navigate to Timecards
  2. 1.1 Click settings on the upper right hand of the screen

    1.2 Select toggle_on show archived

  3. Select multiple timecards
  4. Right-click on them
  5. Click archive archive timecards or unarchive unarchive timecards

Steps 1.1 and 1.2 are only necessary if you are unarchiving timecards

The Timecards section has two pages: Timeline and List. The process described above can be done on either page.

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