Enhanced Report
Enhanced Report Types
To make the most of the enhanced reporting module, PickTrace has preloaded your account with five new report types. Rather than creating a report from scratch, you can use these report types as the basis for all your custom reporting needs. Here is a short review of the new report types:
Avg Piece Rate Wage/hr
This report creates a section for each crew & date, which allows you to see the performance of your pickers within a crew, sorted by their Piece Rate Wage per Hour in descending order. This report by default filters to only include piecework-related timecards.
Recommended Use: detailed analysis of piecework performance, evaluating adjustments to piece rates, identifying high and low performers in the field.
Crew Summary
This report creates a section for each crew and a row within the section for each day that the crew worked. This report provides a summary-level view of a crew's performance over a period of time.
Recommended Use: helping crew leaders to review crew hours and performance, tracking employee attendance and total headcounts.
Employee Hours
This report creates a section per employee, and rows within each section for every day that an employee worked. This report is primarily for identifying employee hour distribution (total/paid/break/lunch/regular/overtime/double-time/etc hours). You can use this report to help identify employees that may be approaching overtime.
Recommended Use: tracking and managing overtime, and identifying employee time anomalies.
Employee Roster
This report creates a section for each date, and a row within each section for each employee, sections are sorted by employee with the most pieces at the top. This report also allows you to print a list of all employees & their start/end time along with their total hours and pieces.
Recommended Use: reviewing attendance, creating an employee leaderboard, high-level analysis of employee performance.
General Payroll
This report creates a row per timecard and a section per employee. This report is intended to allow you to audit and follow along with how PickTrace calculated an employee's payroll.
Recommended Use: Look for sources of audit errors in time cards and production records, reviewing payroll calculations for prior periods.