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Label Roll Scanning

This feature will allow the field users to utilize a label roll that allows the use of individual labels for the purposes of recording production. These labels are part of the roll and can be associated with an individual or a team. 
The format of the codes must follow a specific format in order to function properly

Label Roll Format:

  • Follows Code-128 format
  • “-” character must come before and after roll identifier
  • Minimum character length of 9
    • e.g. X-001-001
  • Maximum character length of 48 (including “-”)
    • The ‘roll identifier’ and ‘label identifier’ can each be 3 to 5 alphanumeric characters
  • Every field is case insensitive (e.g. 00a is diff from 00A)


Check-in & Label Roll Management

The check-in module in the device will allow the user to pair rolls with individuals or teams and manage the roll pairings. 

  1. When a label roll is scanned on the check-in screen, the device enters pairing mode
  2. The “Exit Pairing Mode” button becomes accessible once the label pairing mode is activated
  3. Employee check-in data includes the label they were paired to
  4. New “Label Roll Management” icon is added to the top navigation (center). When selected it navigates the user to the “Label Roll Management”.

  1. Label cards display the employee(s) associated with each label roll created
  2. Users can tap on the label card to access label roll detail (third view to the right)
  3. The user also has the option to quickly access a specific label roll’s detail by scanning the roll while on the label roll management screen. Indication of this option is listed at the top of the screen “Scan a roll to quickly select it and access roll actions”

Create New Label Roll

You can create a new roll without creating new check-in for the employee(s):

  1. Select add_circle in the label roll management section on the device
  2. Scan the roll
  3.  Scan the employee, and a new roll will be created

Roll Detail View

From the roll detail view, you can perform two actions to address label roll management scenarios. 

  1. If an employee or team has a roll paired to them and they run out of labels on their roll and need a new roll assigned to them:
    1. Within the “Roll Detail” view you would simply scan a new roll and the current employee pairings would automatically carry over to the new roll
    2. Hit “Save” in the upper right to assign the new roll to the same employee(s)
  2. The makeup of a team needs to change (ex: a team of three needs to go to a team of 2 or employee A within a team needs to be swapped for employee B)
    1. Within the “Roll Detail” view you would scan a new roll and then the current employee pairings would be automatically carried over (identical to scenario #1)
    2. Now you would be able to see an “X” next to the employees' names that allows you to remove them from the new roll pairing
    3. scan the employee badge of the employee(s) you want to add to the roll

Production Unit Capture

Production unit capture functions exactly like it currently does for other field processes. For field pack scenarios, the picker or packer will apply a label to the unit (case or box most likely), and that unit is then scanned for crediting.

The checker has the ability to select the pack style they would like to associate with the unit(s). The pack style is critical because the piece rate is tied to the pack style in field pack scenarios so the checker must apply the correct pack style so the correct piece rate is applied.

Units are automatically split across the individual(s) associated with the label that was scanned (if in a team scenario).

For tiered piece rates, the user in the field does not have the ability to edit the piece rate.

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